Intra-Med Industries Inc.

Address: 38A Buttermill Ave.
Concord, ON L4K 3X3

Mailling Address: 38A Buttermill Ave.
Concord, ON L4K 3X3

Phone: (905) 761-7868

Fax: (905) 761-7877

Email: Click Here

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Intra-Med Industries Inc.

Cardon Rehab is a leading Canadian based manufacturer of hi-lo
rehabilitation tables and therapeutic exercise equipment for use
by Physical therapists , chiropractors, massage therapists &
osteopaths. The Cardon Mobilization Table is the premier table
in the manual therapy field in North America and is renowned for
having achieved excellence in the design and manufacture of
equipment for manual therapists. The company produces over 20
different models of therapy tables ranging from the Cardon
Mobilization tables which enables the therapist to accomplish 3-
D traction with ease to the basic Hi-Lo Treatment Tables.
Cardon Rehab also manufactures a complete line of therapeutic
exercise equipment including bilateral and lateral pulleys,
Deluxe Training Centre and benches accesories.

The Cardon Rehab manufactured line of products is marketed in
the US through Cardon Rehab Products Inc., based in New York
State and through dealers.

Company Details

Year Established: 1977

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Company Information

Charles Cardon
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive

Holly Cardon
Title: General Manager


R27841 Cardon Mobilization Table

R28535, R28598 Manual Therapy Tables
These hi-lo treatment therapy tables incorporate all essential features of an excellent manual therapy table combining stability and adjustability. The adjustable center section of the 3 section table allows accurate positioning of the spine in controlled lordosis, in flexion or side flexion when using McKenzie protocol or Kaltenborn - Evjenth muscle stretching techniques.

Institutional Hi-lo Tables
Standard features on these tables include absolute stability with minimum flexion so mobilization techniques and exercise procedures may be done accurately. All tables are height adjustable (16-37``) with a moveable head section which can carry the full weight of the patient. Tables are supplied with 2`` casters to maximize utilization of space. Also available center section adjustable or forearm supports.

Deluxe Institutional Hi-lo Tables
These tables offer comfort and versatility for patient treatment. Head section drops 90 degrees to facilitate cervical techniques and raise 50 degrees. Lower limb section raises 75 degrees. Height adjustable 17-33`` and supplied with casters. Optional center section adjustment and adjustable forearm supports.

Therapeutic Bilateral And Lateral Pulleys
Considered the most versatile exercise equipment available. The pulleys are easily and quickly adjusted. Bilateral pulleys may be fixed over 20 levels 2`` apart to alter the direction of pull and length of rope for exercising virtually any muscle group. Lateral pulley provides training for the upper body, allowing for progression from assisted to strongly resisted muscle action for back, shoulder and arm muscles.

Exercise Benches
Scientifically designed to assist the therapist in providing appropriate exercise to all parts of the body thru specific positioning. The Multipositional Bench I, II and pulley bench are highly versatile positional benches with easily adjustable sections with positive gravity lock systems.

Hi-lo Massage Tables
Cost effective these tables are supplied with soft foam padding for patient comfort. Head section is supplied with separate arm rests. Height adj. 16-37' electrically. Casters supplied as standard.

Economy Hi-lo Tables
Adjustable head and foot section. Allow for multiple patient positioning. Height Adj. 16-37' Casters supplied as standard.

Bobath Treatment Table
Designed for postural exercises, rolling, turning and balance training. Useful in treating neurological conditions, stroke, head injury and orthopaedic treatments. Height adjustable, backrest adjustable and supplied with casters

Osteophathic Treatment Table
Includes adjustable centre section for various techniques. Headrest has a sliding 6' adjustable head extension to allow clinicians easier access for neck treatments. Variable limb section. Height adjustable with casters.
