Company Details
Year Established:
Total Sales ($CDN):
$100,000 - $200,000
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Company Information
Michel Beland
(514) 282-7073
(514) 282-8011
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Serge Carrier
Vice President
Area of Responsibility:
Management Executive
(514) 499-0777
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Renaud Nadeau
Vice President
Area of Responsibility:
Management Executive
(514) 528-1905
(514) 528-1770
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Bruno Lgar
Area of Responsibility:
(514) 528-1905
(514) 528-1770
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Nicole Michaud
Area of Responsibility:
Domestic Sales & Marketing
(514) 528-1905
(514) 528-1770
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Christmas Eve (cd Extra)
A Medieval Celebration (cd Extra)
Trumpet, hautboy and tambourine sound through the great hall as
the lords and ladies enter, followed by servants and acrobats.
The castle has been buzzing with excitement ever since the
Viscount of Barn returned victorious from the wars, and the
banquet will last for three days.
This game takes the player into the vibrant and exciting world of
the Middles Ages through the magic of sounds and images.
Fortresses, tourneys, market stalls, costumes, traditions and
songs are all explored in this CD-Extra that is lovely to look
at it is to listen to. The ever-present music fits this CD like
a gauntlet on the hand of a valiant knight.
Medieval music performed by:
. l'Ensemble Anonymus
Llibre Vermell-La route des plerins de Montserrat
Rue des Jugleors
la Via!- Mdivales de Qubec
. Strada
la Via!-Mdivales de Qubec
Eras in music Collection
AudioROM Label
A co-production of Micro-Intel and Analekta
A Wedding In New-france (cd Extra)
Montreal at the end of the seventeenth century...Antoine Dufresne
came to New France with the Carignan-Salires Regiment in 1665,
and three years later, he married a Fille du Roi, Jeanne
Despite the rigours of the winter and the constant fear of the
Iroquois, Antoine and Jeanne have adapted quickly to their life
in New France. They are invited to their cousin's wedding in
Quebec City, and are preparing for the long journey.
This CD extra entertains the player while presenting a picture of
what life was like in New France. It also provides a sampling of
the music that our ancestors played, heard and danced to while
facing the hardships of daily life and exulting in the discovery
of a continent.
Trappers, voyagers, settlers, Iroquois, merchants and fiddlers
are all here. Why not join them?
Drawings by Francis Back
Music of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries performed by:
- l'Ensemble Arion
- Kenneth Gilbert, organ
- Genevive Soly and Mireille Lagac, harpsichord
Old folk melodies interpreted by:
- Hlne Baillargeon
- Robert Beavan
- Jean Carignan
- Lucie de Vienne Blanc
- Karen James
- Jacques Labrecque
- Aldor Morin and friends
Music composed by Richard Grgoire for the television series
Eras in music Collection
AudioROM label
A co-production Micro-Intel and Analekta
Destination : Chine Et Mongolie
En chameau dans le Gobi, en patin roues alignes sur la Grande
Muraille, en sampan sur la rivire des Perles, cheval dans la
steppe mongole, Destination : Chine vous en fera voir de toutes
les couleurs !
Destination : Chine est un grand jeu d'aventure et d'exploration
qui vous fera visiter la Chine et la Mongolie comme si vous y
Reporter-photographe, vous effectuerez cinq missions qui vous
mneront au coeur de l'Empire du Milieu et au pays de celui qui
fut le 'matre du monde', au 13e sicle, Gengis Khan !
Autres titres de la Collection Globe Trotter :
Destination : Inde
Destination : Asie centrale
Destination : Inde
mu par les milliers de plerins qui font leurs ablutions chaque
jour dans la Gange, fascin par les palais des derniers
maharajahs ou bahi par la beaut majestueuse de l'Himalaya, vous
explorerez dans ce multimdia des coins tout fait insolites du
sous-continent indien.
Destination : Inde est un grand jeu d'aventure et d'exploration
qui vous fera connatre aussi bien l'histoire des Grands Moghols
que les rituels sacrs, la gastronomie ou les magnifiques ragas
de la musique indienne.
Collection Globe Trotter
Production de Micro-Intel
Destination : Asie Centrale
Sultans, mirs, caravansrails, Samarcande, Bukhara sont des
mots magiques qui voquent les Routes de la soie, les chameaux
aux pas lents et mesurs, les tapis fabuleux... Destination :
Asie centrale vous porte au coeur mme de ces pays, traverss par
la lgende, mais pourtant bien rels.
Destination : Asie centrale contient 275 photos des six pays les
plus mconnus d'Asie-l'Afghanistan, le Kazakhstan, le
Kirghizistan, l'Ouzbkistan, le Pakistan et le Turkmnistan qui
vous initieront cette fascinante 'civilisation du tapis' qui a
forg depuis des millnaires la culture de l'Asie intrieure.
La Collection Globe Trotter vous amne toujours hors des sentiers
battus !
Production Micro-Intel
From the Collection Quest for Innovation, the CD-ROM Focus! is
a co-production (Micro-Intel and the Cinmathque Qubcoise).
AWARDS: Golden CD-ROM/MIM 1996 (science or technical category)/
Finalist at Prix Mobius 1996.
FOCUS! recounts the origin and the development of the various
moving image projection processes, from the romantic magic
lantern to the most modern and spectacular cinematographic
Discover the ingenuity of cinema's first inventor, such as
Reynaud, Demeny, Edison, Dickson, Eastman, Gaumont, Lumire.
At last, you'll know what a shutter does, what intermittence is,
and how a projection head works. You'll understand the advantages
of stereophonic sound and digital recording. Processes of
yesterday and today will hold no more secrets for you when you
check out the pages on Cinemascope, IMAX, Sensurround and THX.
The Balloon Age
From the Collection Quest for Innovation, the CD-ROM 'The Balloon
Age' is a co-production of Micro-Intel, David M. Stewart Museum
and the National Aviation Museum.
'The Balloon Age' is a tremendous documentary relating the 130
years of the so-called 'Balloon craze' in Europe. Invented by
the Montgolfier brothers, those balloons had their heros, their
admirers and their victims.
The Balloon Age: when every flight was an adventure...
Qubec Au Naturel
Prsent d'une manire dynamique, Qubec au Naturel est un
CD-ROM interactif qui regorge d'une mine d'informations sur les
milieux naturels du Qubec.
Il vous permet:
- De dcouvrir l'histoire naturelle du Qubec
- D'explorer la flore et la faune de ces rgions
- De connatre l'environnement naturel d'un site ou d'une localit.
Dot de diffrents moyens de navigation, de recherche et d'outils
de travail qui facilitent le reprage d'information, Qubec au
Naturel permet, par exemple, de planifier une randonne ou un
voyage parmi les nombreux attraits prsents dans le CD-ROM.
la jonction de l'cologie, de l'environnement, de l'histoire
naturelle et du guide de voyage, Qubec au Naturel est une
nouvelle faon de partir la dcouverte de la nature.
The Factory Mystery
'The Factory Mystery' is the result of a collaboration between
the CSD, the National Literacy Board of Canada and the Quebec
Ministry of Education.
'The Factory Mystery' is a role-playing adventure game for
people who can read and write, but want to improve their basic
english and arithmetic. It is designed to develop a number of
skills that are indispensable to everyday survival in the modern
world. 'The Factory Mystery' is a comprehensive learning tool
divided into nine subject areas containing 72 activities. It is
an entertaining way to learn a variety of skills, such as
recognizing different kinds of texts, using a bank machine,
reading a paycheck statement, filling out forms, and becoming
familiar with basic syntax and punctuation.
The Archaeological Detective
Recipient of the Pixel Silver Award 95 and finalist at the Prix
Mobius 95 of Paris, 'The Archeological Detective' is the result
of a collaboration between Micro-Intel, Pointe--Callire Museum
and Montreal Museum of Archaeology and History.
'The Archaeological Detective' is a scientific popularization
tool to explore and discover archaeological work and procedures.
Carry out all five of the Archaeological Detective's missions
before identifying a skeleton discovered at the Pointe--Callire
You will be able to consult historical documents, question
experts and participate in measurement, comparison, association
and deduction activities.
Escale Deschambault
Rcipiendaire du Corpovision d'argent 1996/Catgorie
environnement et services communautaires et Finaliste au Pixel
d'Or 1995/Catgorie ducation et formation, 'Escale
Deschambault' est une co-production de Micro-Intel, Aluminerie
Lauralco et de Gendreau Communications. La municipalit de
Deschambault ainsi que Canards Illimits ont agit titre de
'Escale Deschambault'
I Musici
Bienvenue dans l'univers multimdia d'I Musici de Montral. Ce
CD-ROM est une carte d'affaires interactive destine aux
producteurs internationaux, aux grandes entreprises et au grand
public. En plus d'un contenu multimdia, il renferme 30 minutes
d'extraits musicaux, que l'on peut couter sur une chane audio.
La partie CD-ROM multimdia donne accs l'historique, une
discographie, des recueils de critiques et une pochette de
L'originalit de cette prsentation vient de la qualit graphique
exceptionnelle du CD, mais galement de la triple vocation
marketing qui l'accompagne. Conu en quatre langues (franais,
anglais, espagnol et allemand), le CD Extra I Musici est un outil
de promotion international auprs des producteurs. Envoy aux
dirigeants de grandes entreprises, il procure un avantage
indniable dans la recherche de commanditaire pour l'orchestre.
Enfin, remis en cadeau aux nouveaux abonns, il agit comme
incitatif et instrument de fidlisation.
The St.Lawrence Estuary
De la Collection cosphre, 'L'estuaire du St-Laurent' a reu
un CD-ROM d'Or/MIM 95 pour la meilleure publication scolaire
ou de formation professionnelle et fut finaliste au Pixel d'Or
1995/Catgorie ducation et formation.
Conu en collaboration avec les Ami.e.s de la Terre de l'Estrie
et avec la participation du programme 'talez votre science' du
ministre de l'Enseignement suprieur et de la Science,
'l'estuaire du St-Laurent' permet la dcouverte de la splendeur
et des richesses de l'cosystme aquatique de l'estuaire du
Biomes And Natural Cycles
This interactive multimedia, used by more than 8 000 schools,
explore and explain a variety of subjects through colorful,
dynamic presentations: the organization of the ecosphere, the
flux of energy, water cycles, climates, and characteristics
of biomes around the world.
Ecosphere Collection.
'Biomes and Natural Cycles' is the result of a collaboration
with les Ami.e.s de la Terre de l'Estrie.
Discover A New Dimension In Air Travel
This CD-ROM presents all the features of Air France's new long-
haul product 'L'Espace'. This promotional material targets the
travel agents to inform them about new concepts in 1st class
services of Air France.
Promotional trilingual tool (french, english and spanish),
presenting in a CD-ROM the best in programming from France,
Switzerland, Belgium, Quebec, Canada and Africa.
The Great Canadian Adventure
As the traveller, in this living Canadian History Album, you will
cross from the Yukon to Gaspesie by passing by the Labrador,
Lake Superior, the Badlands and the River Fraser and discover the
charms of this northern beauty. Objectives * Visit 78 Different
sites * Research Canadian Geography, History, and Nature
* Research the Provinces Story
Create your own Canadian History Book
ConnectIT Category Description: Educational Softwares Geography
and History
ConnectIT-keywords: Canada, history, travel, education
Archeological Detective
The Archeological Detective CD-ROM teaches the investigator how
to lead an excavation and analysis like a real archeologist and
than challenges them to solve the mystery of the human remains
found in the old part of the city.
ConnectIT Category Description: Educational Softwares Geography
and History
ConnectIT-keywords: Archeology, history, culture, French
product, English product, education