Greenway International Business Consulting

Address: 411-67 Cartier St
Ottawa, ON K2P 1J6

Mailling Address: 411-67 Cartier St
Ottawa, ON K2P 1J6

Phone: (613) 234-9034

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Greenway International Business Consulting

Greenway International Business Consulting is a company registered in Ontario, Canada, in 2005, and promoting the economic cooperation relations between China and Canada is its main mission.

The high economic growth rate and the large market in China provide many opportunities for the Canadian small-medium size companies to invest in China. With the professional knowledge on Chinas foreign economic policies, excellent economic analysis skills and advanced English and Chinese (Mandarin), Greenway International Business Consulting will usher your business step on a greenway through which your business can enter smoothly into the Chinas market and develop successfully in China.

With the close relationships with the China's governments and more than 15 years experience in researching on the China's macroeconomic policies, Dr. Cheng and GIBC would help you grasp the China's economy pulse, and help you successfully invest in China. The services in GIBC cover:

Providing information on the China's macro-economy
Building the relationships with Governments
Doing markets research and analysis in-country
Offering investment opportunities and finding investment partners in China

Company Details

Company Information

Xiao Zhou Cheng
Title: Data Provider
Telephone: (613) 234-9034
Email: Click Here


China Economy Pulse