Fundamental Software Solutions Inc

Address: 80 Millview Green S.W.
Calgary, AB T2Y 3W1

Mailling Address: 80 Millview Green S.W.
Calgary, AB T2Y 3W1

Phone: (403) 681-1170

Fax: (403) 256-7907

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Fundamental Software Solutions Inc

Fundamental Software Solutions was established in 1996 to provide custom data storage and management solutions to cusomters, and has expanded to cover complete network security, custom software, networking and WiFi to allow our customers to focus on their businesses, not their computer and data systems.

Company Details

Year Established: 1996

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 2

Company Information

Darin Rousseau
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Research/Development/Engineering
Telephone: (403) 681-1170
Fax: (403) 256-7907
Email: Click Here




Custom Software Development Companies often require tools to do business that common off-the shelf products do not completely cover. When the costs to manipulate your company to use a tool outweigh the single-investment costs to create your own toolset - ensure you do it with a knowedgable, and experienced company like Fundamental Software Solutions. From databases to security, to backups and data management, we have solutions ready for your corporate problems.