Dynatec Corporation

Address: 8301-113th St.
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 4K7

Mailling Address: 8301-113th St.
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 4K7

Phone: (780) 992-8181

Fax: (780) 992-8078

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.dynatec.ca

Dynatec Corporation (Metallurgical Technologies)

Dynatec Metallurgical Technologies is a recognized leader in
pressure hydrometallurgy, with 50 years experience in developing
and commercializing hydrometallurgical technologies for the
optimal recovery of nonferrous metals. Mining and refining
project owners retain Dynatec to assist in the evaluation,
design, demonstration, and operation of its proprietary
processes for the treatement of metal bearing materials. The
basis for this business is the body of proprietary technology,
developed over decades of research and service in pressure
hydrometallurgical projects, which is customized and licensed
for use by clients. With the worldwide focus on environmental
issues, Dynatec provides unique solutions to both large and
small projects. Dynatec has developed processes for the
treatment of zinc and bulk lead-zinc concentrates, refractory
gold ores and concentrates, nickel, copper and cobalt bearing
concentrates, mattes, and residues. More than 20 commercial
plants worldwide currently employ Dynatec's technology.

Company Details

Year Established: 1997

Total Sales ($CDN): $5,000,000 - $10,000,000

Number of Employees: 60

Company Information

Bill Vardill
Title: Senior Manager, Projects
Telephone: (780) 992-8190
Fax: (780) 992-8100
Email: Click Here

Bill Burdenie
Title: Senior Manager, Engineering
Area of Responsibility: Research/Development/Engineering
Telephone: (780) 992-8111
Fax: (780) 992-8118
Email: Click Here

Gerry Bolton
Title: Vice President
Telephone: (780) 992-8181
Fax: (780) 992-8078
Email: Click Here


Hydrometallurgical Processes In Metallurgical Processing

Hydrometallurgical Process Equipment For Metallurgical Processing
Dynatec is a recognized leader in pressure hydrometallurgy and has over 50 years experience developing and commercializing related equipment. Dynatec's strength is in the design and commercialization of autoclaves. Dynatec designed autoclaves have been used for the treatment and recovery of nonferrous metals including zinc and bulk concentrates, refractory gold ores and concentrates, nickel, copper and cobalt bearing concentrates, mattes and residues. Dynatec has developed autoclave designs for over 40 process applications dating back to 1954.


Consulting Engineering In Metallugical Processing; Testwork And Process Development For Extractive Metallurgy Dynatec research and engineering is based on a solid foundation of data built up from more than 50 years of research, development and plant operations. In designing commercial plants, we offer the benefit of scale-up and operating expertise that has been developed in many major projects. Dynatec's approach to projects can include the following phases: preliminary project valuation, process engineering design, detailed engineering design and assistance, plant design, procurement and construction assistance, plant precommissioning and startup assistance and continued technical support.

Chemical Analysis Dynatec is a recognized leader in metallurgical process development supported by its strength in Analytical Chemistry. Our laboratories have over 50 years of experience in analysis and the development of analytical methods. Dynatec's laboratories have provided analyses for the development of processes used in the treatment of zinc and bulk zinc-lead concentrates, gold ore and concentrates, uranium ores and nickel, copper, and cobalt bearing ores, concentrates, mattes or intermediates. The analytical laboratory was instrumental in providing the correct and precise chemistry for the design and operation of over 20 commercial plants. Dynatec's laboratories are now offering our analytical expertise and services to other companies, and for processes outside our traditional base metal background.

Plant Technical Support Dynatec Metallurgical Technologies is a recognized leader in pressure hydrometallurgy with 50 years of experience. We have utilized our experience to provide operating facilities with optimization and expansion studies as well as plant audits.