
Address: 9785 Jeanne-Mance St.
Montreal, QC H3L 3B6

Mailling Address: 9785 Jeanne-Mance St.
Montreal, QC H3L 3B6

Phone: (514) 382-1770

Toll Free: 1(800) 311-1770

Fax: (514) 382-1284

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



Quilting, laminating, wadding, bonding, blended woven fabrics including stretches, linings, interlinings, dyeing & finishing, renting warehouse spaces, innovative solutions

Company Details

Year Established: 1910

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Number of Employees: 750

Company Information

Richard Zuckerman
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Export Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (514) 382-1770
Fax: (514) 382-9587
Email: Click Here

Stuart Zuckerman
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Administrative Services
Telephone: (514) 382-1770
Fax: (514) 382-9587
Email: Click Here

Alan Zuckerman
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Administrative Services
Telephone: (514) 382-1770
Fax: (514) 382-9587
Email: Click Here

France Girouard
Title: Government Contract Coordinator
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (514) 382-1778
Fax: (514) 382-1284
Email: Click Here

Catherine Harrison
Title: Merchandiser
Telephone: (514) 382-1770
Fax: (514) 382-1284
Email: Click Here


Quilted Fabric, Broad Nes

Quilted Fabric, Pinsonic

Awning Fabric, Cotton, Woven, Broad

Tent Cloth, Cotton, Woven, Broad

Canvas, Cotton, Woven Broad

Twill, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Gabardine, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Warp Sateen, Cotton, Unbleached Woven, Broad

Drills, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Cord Fabric, Cotton, Unbl Wov Brd

Twill, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Gabardine, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Warp Sateen, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Drills, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Cord Fabric, Cotton, Bleached Wov Brd

Twill, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Gabardine, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Drills, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Warp Sateen, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Cord Fabric, Cotton, Coloured Woven Broad

Broadcloth Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Poplin, Cot, Lt-wt, Unbl Wov Brd Exc Rainwear

Broadcloth Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Poplin, Cot, Lt-wt, Bl, Wov Brd Exc Rainwear

Broadcloth Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Poplin, Cot, Lt-wt, Col Wov Brd Exc Rainwear

Sheeting, Coarse, Cotton, Unbleached Wov Brd

Sheeting, Soft-fill, Napping, Unbl Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Muslin, Cotton, Unbl, Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Percale, Cotton, Unbl Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Cotton, Unbl, Woven Broad Nes

Sheeting, Coarse, Cotton, Bl, Woven Broad

Sheeting, Soft-fill, Napping Bl, Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Muslin, Cotton, Bl, Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Percale, Cotton, Bl, Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Cotton, Bl, Woven Broad Nes

Calico, Cotton, Coloured Woven Broad

Chintz, Cotton, Coloured Woven Broad

Cretonne, Cotton, Coloured, Woven Broad

Osnaburg, Cot, Col, Wov, Brd, Exc Sheeting

Sheeting, Coarse, Cotton, Col, Woven Broad

Sheeting, Soft-fill, Napping Col Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Muslin, Cotton, Col, Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Percale, Cotton, Col, Wov Brd

Bed Sheeting, Cotton, Col, Woven Broad Nes

Gingham, Cotton, Wov, Brd, Lt-wt Yarn Dyed

Drapery Fabric, Cot, Unbleached, Woven Broad

Barkcloth, Cotton, Unbleached, Wov Brd

Bedspread Fabric, Cot, Unbleached, Wov Brd

Damask, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Hopsacking, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Weft Or Casement Sateen, Cot, Unbl Wov Brd

Scrim, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Ticking Fabric, Cotton Unbleached Woven Broad

Upholstery Fabric, Cotton, Unbl Wov Brd

Broad Woven Fab, Cot, Unbl, Nes, Non- Apparel

Batiste, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Chambray, Cotton, Unbl, Wov Brd Exc Gingham

Lawn, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Organdy, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Plisse, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Seersucker, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Swiss, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Voile, Cotton, Unbleached, Woven, Broad

Broad Woven Fab, Cot, Unbl, Nes, Apparel

Barkcloth, Cotton, Bleached, Wov Brd

Bedspread Fabric, Cot, Bleached, Wov Brd

Damask, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Hopsacking, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Weft Or Casement Sateen, Cot, Bl Wov Brd

Drapery Fabric, Cotton, Bl, Woven Broad

Ticking Fabric, Cotton, Bleached, Woven Broad

Upholstery Fabric, Cotton, Bl, Wov, Brd

Broad Woven Fab, Cot Bl Nes, Non-apparel

Batiste, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Chambray, Cotton, Bl, Wov Brd, Exc Gingham

Lawn, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Organdy, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Plisse, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Seersucker, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Swiss, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Voile, Cotton, Bleached, Woven, Broad

Broad Woven Fab, Cot, Bl, Nes, Apparel

Drapery Fabric, Cot, Coloured, Woven Broad

Jacquard Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Barkcloth, Cotton, Coloured, Wov Brd

Bedspread Fabric, Cot, Coloured, Wov Brd

Damask, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Hopsacking, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Weft Or Casement Sateen, Cot, Col, Wov Brd

Ticking Fabric, Cotton, Coloured, Woven Broad

Upholstery Fabric, Cotton, Col, Wov, Brd

Broad Woven Fab, Cot Col Nes, Non-apparel

Batiste, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Chambray, Cotton, Col, Wov Brd, Exc Gingham

Lawn, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Organdy, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Plisse, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Seersucker, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Swiss, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad

Voile, Cotton, Coloured, Woven, Broad
Tencel and Tencel blends, nylon, cotton and poly/cotton blends, viscose and viscose blends, quilting, laminating, bonding, wadding, water repellent fabrics.

Broad Woven Fab, Cot, Col, Nes, Apparel

Man-made Fibre Fabric 95% & Over Wov Brd Nes

Dress & Blouse Fab, Rayon/Polyester, Wov Brd

Sportswear Fab, Rayon/Polyester, Wov Brd

Rainwear Fab, Rayon/Polyester, Wov Brd

Non-apparel Fabric, Rayon/Polyester, Wov Brd

Rayon/Polyester Fab, Apprl, Blend Wov Brd Nes

Rayon/Acetate Fabric, Blends, Woven Broad

Rayon/Nylon Fabric, Blends, Woven Broad

Rayon/Man-made Fibre Fab, Blends Wov Brd Nes

Rayon/Cotton Fabric, Blends Woven Broad

Rayon/Linen Fabric, Blends Woven Broad

Rayon/Metallic Fabric, Blends Woven Broad

Rayon/Natural Tex Fib Fab Blends, Wov Brd Nes

Apparel Fabric, Lt-wt, Poly/Cot, Wov Brd

Sportswear Fab, Polyester/Cotton, Wov Brd

Rainwear Fab, Polyester/Cotton, Wov Brd

Apparel Fabric, Poly/Cotton, Wov Brd Nes

Bed Sheeting, Polyester/Cotton, Wov Brd

Non-apparel Fabric, Poly/Cot, Wov Brd Nes

Fabric, Spunbonded, Polyester, Brd, Non-woven

Fabric, Spunbonded, Nylon, Brd, Non-woven


Tencel And Tencel Blend Fabrics

Laminated Fabrics

Fabric - Quilted

Fabrics-dyeing, Finishing, Laminating, Quilting

Fabrics-poly/Cotton, Cotton, Nylon, Tencel

Fabrics-tencel Blends, Viscose & Viscose Blends
