Conestoga-Rovers & Associates

Address: 466 Hodgson Rd.
Fredericton, NB E3C 2G5

Mailling Address: 466 Hodgson Rd.
Fredericton, NB E3C 2G5

Phone: (506) 458-1248

Fax: (506) 462-7646

Map it: Click Here


Conestoga-Rovers & Associates

Company Details

Year Established: 1986

Number of Employees: 45

Company Information

John Hart
Title: Chairman
Telephone: (506) 458-1248
Fax: (506) 462-7646
Email: Click Here

Jim Fraser
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Manufacturing/Production/Operations
Telephone: (902) 468-1248
Fax: (902) 468-2207
Email: Click Here

Roger Poirier
Title: Shareholder in Charge
Telephone: (506) 458-1248
Fax: (506) 462-7646

Robert Turner
Title: Vice President
Telephone: (506) 458-1248
Fax: (506) 462-7646
Email: Click Here

Scott Llewelleyn
Title: Vice President
Telephone: (902) 468-1248
Fax: (902) 468-2207
Email: Click Here

Peter Oram
Title: Vice President
Telephone: (902) 468-1248
Fax: (902) 468-2207
Email: Click Here

Neil Brodie
Title: Manager
Telephone: (506) 458-1248
Fax: (506) 462-7646
Email: Click Here

David Bourden
Title: Manager
Telephone: (709) 364-5353
Fax: (709) 364-5368
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Groundwater Exploration Program To Develop A Wellfield.
Various remote sensing methods (i.e. satellite imaging and geophysics) have been used to successfully locate high quality drill targets. Wells are then constructed in either unconsolidated (gravel) or consolidated (fractured bedrock) deposits. Testing of well yield is then completed prior to construction of production wells. The potential impact of wellfield operation on the level groundwater resource can be modelled through computer algorithms.

Water Chemistry Survey And Hydrogeological Compilation
Sampling of several nearby residential wells is undertaken for a range of elements. From this, hydrogeological and geological compilations are completed. Extensive monitoring programs are then developed to assess changes in water quality and water levels during the dewatering program.

Bioremediation/Air Sparging
The impacted soil is processed, mixed with nutrients and placed in bio-heaps for treatment. Air is then injected through the soil to promote aerobic degradation of the hydrocarbons. Contamination below the water table is treated through air sparging. Air sparging is an in situ bioremediation process in which air is pushed into the water table, promoting the degradation of hydrocarbons. Closure from the regulatory agencies has been successfully obtained for several contaminated sites.


Environmental Consultant

Mining Consultant

Water Resources Consultant

Stone Consulting

Mineral Resource Investigation

Market Research Studies

Geochemical And Assaying Services

Hydrology Services

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Monitoring Services

Hazardous Material Management

Mining/Geological Engineering

Geotechnical Services
