CompuGetics Corporation

Address: 6358 Chaumont Cres.
Mississauga, ON L5N 2M8

Mailling Address: 6358 Chaumont Cres.
Mississauga, ON L5N 2M8

Phone: (905) 826-3455

Toll Free: 1(877) 774-5407

Fax: (905) 826-0052

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


CompuGetics Corporation

Top Expertise in
C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, MS Visual J++, COM, DCOM, Win32,
ORACLE, MS SQL Server, POET DB, MTS, MS MQ, CTI Tools, Visual
FoxPro, MS Access, VBA, VB Script, Java Script, HTML

Company Details

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Company Information

Nick Nedelcu
Title: President
Telephone: (905) 826-3455
Email: Click Here

Adriana Russu
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Email: Click Here

Gabriela Eustatiu
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive


Cool Ivr


Custom Software Development A federally incorporated Canadian company with a wide range of I.T. expertise, providing custom software solutions.

Custom I.V.R.S

Database Architecture.
