Cogismaq Groupe Conseils

Mailling Address: 1097, rue Notre-Dame O.
Bureau 100
Victoriaville, QC G6P 7L1

Phone: (819) 752-3786

Toll Free: 1(877) 812-3605

Fax: (819) 752-5900

Email: Click Here


Cogismaq Groupe Conseils

Cogismaq Inc. Ingnieurs Conseils is a specialist
in the implementation of computer-assisted
manufacturing management softwares, the
ERP/MRP types (Enterprise Resources
Planning / Material Requirement Planning).

which is the main office that provides the
software development as well as the
training and the support of the
implementation of available solutions
to professional enterprises.

The company was born in 1989
and since then, offers its knowledge
to SME enterprises that operate in
different transformation activity sectors
such as : metal sheet sector, wood convertion,
fiberglass, printing, silk screen processing, heavy-built
machinery, pharmacology, to name just a few.

The team is made of engineers, computer and finance specialists in manufacturing management, all experienced people who can insure the customers support.

Our mission is to make your enterprise as well as ours, yield a profit and help you reach you goal by optimizing your internal management tools in using our ERP/MRP systems, the fields in which we excel.

Company Details

Company Information

Benoit Van De Velde
Title: Directeur des ventes
Telephone: (819) 752-3786
Fax: (819) 752-5900
Email: Click Here



Leading Business Solution Provider and major ACCPAC partner for Eastern Canada, the G-Plus Division offers many Business Solutions known for their robustness and flexibility. The main products and services offered by G-Plus are: ACCPAC (Advantage Series) ACCPAC CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Asset Management Accounting Service Manager (Warrant and Service Contracts) ACCPAC CFO (Comprehensive Financial Optimizer) F9 Consolidated Financial Statements and Budgets


Lean Manufacturing StraTJ uvre principalement dans la mise-en-place de programmes d'amlioration continue qui permettent des gains de productivit substantiels. Nous sommes spcialistes dans la formation des gestionnaires, le coaching (aide la tche) travers l'excution du travail, le dveloppement d'outil de gestion des oprations, la supervision active, la rsolution de problmes, le dveloppement d'indicateurs cls et l'implantation de rsultats durables. Tout a en assurant la formation d'agents de changements afin d'assurer la perptuation Et comme rsultat... Une nouvelle culture d'entreprise proactive qui permet des conomies de plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars chaque anne. Augmentation > Productivit > Efficacit > Capacit > Qualit Rduction > Cots de main-d'uvre directe > Cots de main-d'uvre indirecte > Bnfices marginaux > Cots du temps supplmentaire > Dpenses de production > Dlais de livraisons > Temps de cycle > Inventaires Un retour sur investissement mesurable et rcurrent