CPR Medical Devices Inc.

Address: 161 Don Park Rd.
Markham, ON L3R 1C2

Mailling Address: 161 Don Park Rd.
Markham, ON L3R 1C2

Phone: (416) 691-2669

Fax: (416) 691-7951

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.cprmedic.com

CPR Medical Devices Inc.

CPR is a developer and manufacturer of ventilation devices used
in emergency situations using patented technology. Its first
product, the Oxylator EM-100, was designed to meet ISO 8382, ASTM
F920-85 and JAMA guidelines. Recent product introductions include
the Oxylator FR-300 & the Oxylator TM 600.
Approvals and marketing clearances of note:
TUV MEDSV (Germany)
Ministry of Health, Japan.

Company Details

Year Established: 1992

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Number of Employees: 10

Company Information

Romeo Worner
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (416) 691-2669
Fax: (416) 691-7951
Email: Click Here

Hagop Artinian
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Research/Development/Engineering
Telephone: (416) 691-2669
Fax: (416) 691-7951
Email: Click Here


Oxylator Em-100

Oxylator Fr-300
Mechanical resuscitator for the First Responder during emergency situations. Simplified Oxylator EM-100 that is easy to use, safe, effective and economical with a 5 year warranty.

Oxylator Tm 600
The Transport Module 600 allows the professional to upgrade the Oxylator EM-100 to an ATV (automatic transport ventilator). Choose breaths per minute and tidal volume and the TM 600 automatically displays the resulting I : E ratio and minute volume.
