CEF Consultants Ltd.

Address: 5443 Rainnie Dr.
Halifax, NS B3J 1P8

Mailling Address: 5443 Rainnie Dr.
Halifax, NS B3J 1P8

Phone: (902) 425-4802

Fax: (902) 425-4807

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.cefconsultants.ns.ca

CEF Consultants Ltd.

CEF Consultants Ltd. has completed projects in fisheries, marine biology, environmental impact assessment, land-use planning, spatial analysis and
GIS mapping, information synthesis, public consultation planning and database development since its founding in 1983.

CEF is based in Halifax, and was incorporated in Nova Scotia in 1991. In addition to local work, the company has been active in the Central America, Africa, the Caribbean, and Poland. CEF has extensive experience in the marine environment, particularly in relation to the oil and gas industry.

Projects have included environmental impact assessments of seismic surveys, exploration wells, and development projects; physical, biological and cultural characterization of East Coast regions; and effects monitoring. The firm has also recently completed EIAs and monitoring programs for a coal strip mine, a harbour breakwater development, a contaminated industrial site, Department of Defence bases, a major dredging project, and a highway twinning.

Company Details

Year Established: 1983

Number of Employees: 3

Company Information

Norval Collins
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (902) 425-4802
Fax: (902) 425-4807
Email: Click Here

Joanne Cook
Title: Partner/Associate
Telephone: (902) 425-4802
Fax: (902) 425-4807
Email: Click Here

Shawn Martin
Title: Partner/Associate
Telephone: (902) 425-4802
Fax: (902) 425-4807
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Broad Range Of Public Participation Techniques And Effective Communications.
CEF Consultants Limited is skilled at community-based planning involving grass-roots volunteers. They also provide facilitation, goal setting, strategic planning and secretariat services to government and non-government agencies and departments. They specialize in assisting people to find their own solutions - ones which are also technically feasible. They are experienced in finding ways to involve a broad range of different publics and stakeholders. CEF has used volunteer facilitators, 'kitchen' meetings and other innovative methods to ensure effective stakeholder involvement. They are particularly adept at producing clear, plain language background materials and reports that are accessible to the layperson.

Environmental Impact Assessment, Public Consultation And Resource Valuation.
The following case study demonstrates CEF's capabilities in environmental impact assessment, public consultation and resource valuation: CEF played a key role in the impact assessment of the Sable Offshore Energy Project (SOEP). We organized consultations, completed the biophysical impact assessment of SOEP, and provided support to our client during the preparation of the joint panel hearings. CEF carried out initial consultations with the fishing industry, produced the first SOEP newsletter designed for the industry, and set up the process that led to establishing the inshore and offshore fisheries liaison committees. CEF continued consultations with the fishing industry in relation to the 1997 seismic program on Sable Island Bank. CEF prepared separate information packages for the fishing and aquaculture industries. In addition to adding a specific fisheries component to the Country Harbour area open houses, meetings were held with relevant fisheries groups in Nova Scotia. As part of the environmental assessment team, CEF provided overall coordination of the biophysical components of the SOEP impact assessment and played a key role the evaluation of the liquids line corridor for SOEP in Guysborough County. CEF was responsible for identification and prioritization of all environmental impacts, as well as primary writing of the biological baseline, valued environmental component, and impact assessment sections of the EIS. CEF oversaw the analysis of fishing activity data and provided an assessment of potential interactions between fishing activity and pipeline and interfield lines on Sable Island Bank. CEF was also prime author of the Phase B, Part 1 document assessing the implications of drilling waste discharge and transport on scallops on Sable Island Bank. CEF played a key role in the Joint Panel hearing process. We prepared responses to countless information requests from the Joint Panel and intervenors, and presented information before the Canada Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board. Information included biological overviews, spatial analyses of fishing activity, seasonal sensitivity analyses, seabird, marine mammal and fish habitat distributions. CEF prepared several comprehensive reports for the Joint Panel including a revision to the marine mammal section of the EIS, a description of the potential interactions of bottom dragging gear on proposed SOEP facilities, and a no net loss assessment of fish habitat.

Environmental Planning, Impact Assessment, Mitigation Planning And Remediation.
To be able to predict environmental impacts, or to grapple with many on-site environmental problems - erosion, toxic leaks, ground or water contamination - you need to know what is in the surrounding ecosystem. CEF can find out what's there, whether it's a wetland ecosystem, rare or endangered species, fish spawning grounds, or deer wintering yards. CEF field biologists are expert at habitat mapping and resource valuation through on-site studies, electrofishing, orthophoto analysis, GIS, and statistical analysis. For example, they have evaluated habitat in a trout stream slated to be lost if National Gypsum expanded a quarry. CEF calculated a 20 year-value for the resource and helped identify an appropriate compensation project for the loss in productive capacity. They have also evaluated marine and freshwater resources potentially affected by installation of sewage treatment systems. CEF recently reviewed potential resource impacts, including archaeological sites, as part of a comparative evaluation of existing landfill sites. Information on wetlands, rare and endangered plant species, wildlife habitat, breeding bird distributions, and recreational fisheries was used to provide an overall ranking of site suitability. It is important to plan for effective and rational use of resources. CEF develops innovative solutions to reduce the impacts of development - solutions that complement project engineering, not compete with it. CEF staff have experience in strategic, communications and implementation planning, in areas as diverse as recreational fisheries and building codes. Their solid understanding of legislative and policy differences across the country has proven invaluable in preparing resource plans.

Environmental Management Program Development.
The following case study demonstrates CEF's capabilities in environmental management and fisheries and coastal planning: CEF has been involved since 1995 in the design, implementation, and management of a biological monitoring program for the Middle Shoal Improvement Project, a large-scale dredging project at the main entrance to the Bras d'Or Lakes. In August of 1996, the Little Narrows Gypsum Company, a mining company, began dredging the Middle Shoal channel at the entrance to the Great Bras d'Or in Nova Scotia to make navigational improvements for vessels. The primary goals were to monitor fish migration activity and identify any project-related impacts, and to study the effects of sediment accumulation on critical lobster habitat. Contract elements included the design of the monitoring plan and information management systems, obtaining regulatory approval, hiring specialized staff and their day to day management, ongoing liaison with regulatory agencies, and on-the-fly design of mitigation measures in response to operational demands. Monitoring components included fish and lobster tagging, lobster and crab trapping, and physical and biological sampling and analysis of bottom substrate, as well as measurement and analysis of underwater sound. Local fish finders were calibrated at a custom-designed installation and hydroacoustic surveys run to provide indications of migration patterns around the dredging activity. Fish habitat of key importance to local fishers was permanently marked and its quality documented with video transects and fixed quadrats. CEF worked with a management team of four local fishers who headed the community delegation. Monitoring services were rotated among 18 boat-owning fishers, and care was taken to spread work evenly among them. Local interests had to be balanced with obtaining valid, reproducible data; for example, small-boat fishers did not want a larger boat from outside the area, which used mobile gear, to take part in the program. Dredging was completed in 1996, but CEF continues to carry out annual reviews of regrowth at the deposition sites.

Evaluation Of Approaches Tried In Other Jurisdictions
The analysis, synthesis and presentation of information affecting public policy is a major focus of the company. CEF uses global computer networks to carry out international research into the use and effectiveness of policy and compliance tools, then evaluates their suitability for use within the study context. Working with key policy advisors, this information can be turned into a variety of products ranging from an authoritative manual for upper level managers to newsletters for community groups.


Environmental Planning CEF (Computer, Environmental and Fisheries) Consultants Ltd. offers Services in: Environmental Planning and Management; Environmental Policy Development; Impact and Risk Assessment; Environmental Communications; and Public Consultation.

Environmental Products & Services