Do Lunch Productions

593 Hallsor Dr., Victoria, BC

Movie script writing, ECE Consulting, movie script research

SIAS agrofor

11, rue Simard, Saint-Urbain-De-Charlevoix, QC

Travailleur autonome en foresterie, agroforesterie et en environnement. Nous menons diffrents projets de dveloppement rgional en foresterie. Nous prenons diffrents contrats en dveloppement forestier.

Emptonology Research Centre

1342 Pharmacy Ave, Scarborough, ON

LIM Consulting Associates

163 McClintock Way, Kanata, ON

We offer services in strategic planning, project management and performance measurement, enabling organizations to be more effective. We also provide research and writing services related to the above.

Lugh Communications

661 King Edward Ave., Ottawa, ON

We provide writing, editing and research services.

Briar Clark

262 Barrhill Rd, Maple, ON

Provide documentation, editing, writing and research services in English only.

Galarneau International Group Ltd

8, rue des Hurons, Gatineau, QC

Entreprise de dveloppement rural dans les pays en voie de dveloppement. Recherche, alliance stratgique, etc.

Round River Technologies Ltd.

144 Lowden Ave, Ancaster, ON

We are a Biotechnology company involved in waste and wastewater treatment and biomass production for; aquaculture, agriculture, power generation, pharmaceuticals and Life Support systems.


Professional engineer offering technical writing and technical translation services. Specialties include environmental engineering and environmental services (water, wastewater, energy, waste management, etc...)