Pro Geo Consultants

950 - 630 - 6th Ave. S.W., Calgary, AB

Geological supervision at wellsite preparation of computer striplog. Maintaining and running gas detection equipment.

Spiegel Skillen & Associates Limited

203-3320 Richter St., Kelowna, BC

Quantity Surveying, Construction Cost Management, Value Engineering/Analysis

Option Environnement inc

360, rue Saint-Jacques O., Montreal, QC

Group of Environmental Experts : environmental and social impact studies, mapping and survey of wetlands, trophic survey of lakes, regulatory evaluation, public consultations, gender studies, waste management, environmental training.

AMEC Infrastructure Limited

200 - 6025 - 11th St. S.E., Calgary, AB

Les Sondages R.O.D.I.M., Inc.

4003, rue Morin, Jonquire, QC

Lim Geomatics Inc.

805-27 Elmwood St, Kingston, ON

Provides geospatial services such as custom GIS application development, lidar data processing, enterprise GIS solution design, and R&D.