The Mining Equipment Prospector

620 Ramsey Lake Rd., Sudbury, ON

The Mining Equipment Prospector is resource locator of new & used mining equipment available on the world market, published in a full colored catalogue, and on the internet.

Larouche Bureautique

1132, rte. 111 E., Amos, QC

La Cie Canada

235 Dufferin St., Toronto, ON

Manufacturer of computer peripherals: storage, scanners and monitors Vendor to Apple VARs and resellers

Savona Equipment Ltd.

6351 West Trans Canada Hwy., Savona, BC

Controlled Parking Ltd.

15-1050 Britannia Rd. E, Mississauga, ON

Printer's Parts & Equipment

60 Howden Rd., Scarborough, ON

We are an exporter of Used Printing Machines.

WJF Instrumentation (1990) Ltd.

5 - 3610 - 29 St. N.E., Calgary, AB

Les quipements Mdicaux Leika Lte

608-9575, av. Illinois, Brossard, QC

Leika Lte est spcialise dans l'importation et la distribution de lits et matelas thrapeutiques pour le soin et la prvention des plaies de lit et pour le soulagement de la douleur.

Provost quipement inc.

20, rue Principale, Durham-Sud, QC

Engine Rebuilding Equipment Sales Agent. Brake equipment (turning) Clearing Equipment Sales Agent.