2070, rue Joseph St-Cyr, Drummondville, QC
Conception et fabrication de panneaux de contrle, dveloppement lectronique
2-191 Booth Rd., North Bay, ON
Live Wire Harnesses is a custom cable and control system assembly company. We specialize in industrial, automotive, and audio/video assemblies.
5410 Richmond Rd, Nepean, ON
89 Morane St., Laval, QC
Engineering, Fabrication and Servicing of Overhead Industrial Cranes
339 Kitley Line 8, Frankville, ON
manufacture electrical & mechanical coponents for heavy industrial and transportation industry as well as parts for electrical manufacturers
12 - 8333 - 130th St., Surrey, BC
Manufacture marine alternators/repairs.
9-188 Wilkinson Rd, Brampton, ON
345, rue Isabey, Saint-Laurent, QC
PDM est un manufacturier de systme de contrle d'clairage orients ves la conservation d'nergie, ces systmes sont principalement install dans des difices bureaux, coles, complexes sportifs, proprits commerciales et btisses gouvernementales.
2233, rue Gunette, Saint-Laurent, QC
We rewind and do mechanical repairs on the following equipment: direct current motors, generators, coach alternators, coils, electro-magnetic brakes / clutches, etc...
6 Mars Rd, Etobicoke, ON
Manufacturing of cable assy. and wiring harnesses to ISO,CSA & UL. 19,000 sq.ft., 10 min. from Pearson International Airport.