6111 Dyke Rd., Richmond, BC
Cdn. Patent 2,093,298 (May 6, 1997) U.S. Patent 5,297,311 (March 29, 1994) U.K. Patent 2,077,562 (March 12, 1998)
128 Barton St W, Hamilton, ON
ISO 9001:2000 Registered. A.S.H.R.A.E. C.G.A. - Canadian Gas Association C.I.P.H. - Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating.
1901 Minnesota Court, Mississauga, ON
1985, rue Monterey, Laval, QC
Beauty equipment, skin care equipment
1100, boul. Crmazie E Bureau 200, Montreal, QC
396-14th St. W., Owen Sound, ON
2431 Simpson Rd., Richmond, BC
5975 Falbourne St., Mississauga, ON
152-1027 Davie St., Vancouver, BC
A Kitchen appliance called the Wine Pro that makes 4 bottles of wine in under 7 days specific to your tatse under patent. We manufacture distribute develop research.
506 Dufferin Ave., Winnipeg, MB
Small company with ability to custom build a variety of replacement heater elements for NLA products or items needing quicker delivery than usual.