SideRiver Breeding

341 De Sainte-Batrix Rd, Sainte-Batrix, QC

Pets breeding

631957 British Columbia L.T.D.

2430 20th St, Lister, BC


Kidd Bros. Produce Ltd.

5312 Grimmer St., Burnaby, BC

Doyon & Doyon

68 Tycos Dr., North York, ON

Honey processors and packers of liquid and creamed honey in jars and plastic containers; also in BULK PACK.

Bee Maid Honey Limited

70 Alberta Ave., Spruce Grove, AB

H.A.C.C.P. certification in February 1998.

Beemaid Honey Ltd.

70 Alberta Ave., Spruce Grove, AB

H.A.C.C.P. certification completed in February 1998.


735, ch. de Fitch Bay R.R. 1, Canton Magog, QC

Agricole. Petite ferme de poules, chvres, oies, canards, veaux, vaches.

Babe's Honey Farm

334 Walton Pl., Victoria, BC

Member of Canadian Honey Council and B.C. Honey Producers Association. South Vanvouver Island Direct Farm Mkt. Capital Region Beekeepers Assoc.

Happy Lea Done Enterprises

25 km South on Hwy 17 of Lloydminster, Lone Rock, SK

meat production of Flemish rabbit.marino sheep wool. Provide English as a second language classes and Homestay as well as a Bed and Breakfast.