46, GRAND RANG SUD, Albanel, QC
2700, ch. des Ruisseaux, Saint-Honor-De-Chicoutimi, QC
691, ch. Des Pics, Boulanger, QC
2289, route 169, Saint-Flicien, QC
898, rang 3, Saint-Eugne-D'argentenay, QC
313, rang 2, Saint-Eugene-D'argentenay, QC
709, 3E RANG, Saint-Charles-De-Bourget, QC
SW - 10 - 38 - 15 W of the 4th Meridian, Halkirk, AB
KLASS Ranch Wagyu is a family operation, active in the cattle industry since 1904. Engaged in breeding of Wagyu cattle.
240209 Range Road 32, Calgary, AB
735, ch. de Fitch Bay R.R. 1, Canton Magog, QC
Agricole. Petite ferme de poules, chvres, oies, canards, veaux, vaches.