Business in Mexico

Address: 10-110 RIDEAU TERR
Ottawa, ON K1M 0Z2

Mailling Address: 10-110 RIDEAU TERR
Ottawa, ON K1M 0Z2

Phone: (613) 744-3563

Fax: (613) 744-3563

Map it: Click Here

Business in Mexico

I am pleased to offer you my services, based upon my knowledge
and abilities. The experience which I bring to a potential
client represents 20 years of working with Mexican, American
and Canadian governments and companies.

As trade between Canada and Mexico develops even further,
one can expect demand for translation, proofreading,
representation and personal contact services to increase

It is not enough to know a language and to translate
phraseology. My experience and understanding offer you an
opportunity to capitalize on subtleties which can mean the
difference between success and mis-communication.

Over the past three years, I have had the opportunity to offer
translations, consulting and representation to numerous
individuals and Canadian companies either doing business or
preparing for a commercial endeavour with Mexico.

It is my pleasure to introduce my services and experience to you.

Company Details

Year Established: 1995

Number of Employees: 1

Company Information

Patricia Riveroll
Title: Consultant, Translator, Interpretor
Telephone: (613) 744-3563
Fax: (613) 744-7255
Email: Click Here


Consulting, Translations