Blue Energy Canada Inc.

Address: 1950 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 5C2

Mailling Address: P.O. Box 29068
Vancouver, BC V6J 1Z0

Phone: (604) 682-2583

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Blue Energy Canada Inc.

Established: 1997; Revenues: under $3 million; Employees: 1-25

At Blue Energy Canada Inc. our mission is the commercial development of a proprietary renewable energy technology that can convert the kinetic energy of ocean currents, tides and river currents into non-polluting, renewable electric power. The Blue Energy Power System provides a key solution to the world's environmental energy crisis, with the capacity to generate large-scale electric power for continued global development, without contributing to the serious environmental issues of conventional energy sources.

Business Development Strategy:
In response to global market demand for renewable energy, the Company is focusing its efforts on large-scale ocean current energy installations, such as our planned Dalupiri Ocean Power Plant which is has a 2200 MW power output capacity at peak tidal flows. Secondarily, the Company is pursuing design and manufacture of its river and stream models, the 2-kW HydroStream 1, 8kW Blue River, and 250kW Haida Gwai units.

Company Details

Company Information

Martin J. Burger
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (604) 682-2583
Email: Click Here

Micheal Masser
Title: Communications Director
Telephone: (604) 682-2583


Environmental Products And Services

Blue Energy Power System.
The Blue Energy Power System is comprised of multiple vertical axis Davis Hydro Turbines mounted in a modular duct structure to form a tidal fence or tidal array, which converts the kinetic energy of ocean currents and tides into, clean, economical and sustainable electric power. The Davis Turbine component is a vertical axis hydro turbine (VAHT) that can be compared in design and output to an ultra-efficient underwater windmill. We have developed a modular turbine design that can meet any site application from 5 KW micro-hydro river units to 8000 MW large ocean installations. Advantages include: Low-cost: A typical one-kilometer tidal fence can produce power at $0.06 to $0.085 per kWh. Low maintenance costs and no ongoing fuel costs make tidal current energy a viable, cost-competitive source of sustainable power for the future. The lightest of environmental impacts on fish, silt migration and other sensitive marine ecologies. Zero greenhouse gas emissions and the ability to produce tradable emission credits for the newly developing global emissions trading markets. Multiple infrastructure development with single infrastructure costs are possible because a tidal fence can also serve as a transportation corridor, carry water mains, phone lines, and power lines, bringing significant economic and social value with shared construction costs.
