Beyond Compliance Inc.

Address: 205-8579 Scurfield Dr. NW
Calgary, AB T3L 1Z6

Mailling Address: 205-8579 Scurfield Dr. NW
Calgary, AB T3L 1Z6

Phone: (403) 374-0445

Toll Free: 1(866) 323-4267

Fax: (403) 374-0513

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



Beyond Compliance Inc. (BCI) was established to help organizations improve their management of regulatory and corporate policy compliance. Automating field inspections and production data collection, worker competency and safety management, incident tracking, asset and contractor management are some of the ways that our Integrated Compliance Management System (ICMS) optimizes the workflow between the field and the corporate office.

ICMS delivers the necessary tools and procedures to remain in compliance with applicable legislation, guidelines and corporate business policies. It goes well beyond the traditional notion of 'software' to incorporate subject matter expertise, an intuitive workflow process and a secure technology delivery vehicle. Our solutions have been proven to increase worker productivity, reduce operating costs and lower business risk, while enabling companies to meet or exceed their regulatory and corporate requirements.

Company Details

Year Established: 2000

Company Information

Juan Benitez
Title: Chief Operating Officer
Telephone: (403) 374-0445
Fax: (403) 374-0513
Email: Click Here


Compliance Manager

Computer Software Solution: FieldTRAK provides automated field and production data collection to replace many ad-hoc or paper-based inspections, audits, and checklists. It converts them into a fully enabled, electronic process, complete with automatic report generation, identification, and notification of non-compliant (or unsatisfactory) audit results.
