Atlantic Nuclear Services Ltd.

Address: 125 Hanwell Rd
Fredericton, NB E3B 2P9

Mailling Address: P.O. Box 1268 Stn. A
Fredericton, NB E3B 5C8

Phone: (506) 458-9552

Fax: (506) 451-0525

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Atlantic Nuclear Services Ltd.

The company was founded in 1983 and is a privately owned
Canadian corporation. The head office is located in Fredericton,
N.B. and branch offices are maintained in Saint John, N.B. and

The company has a staff of thirty professionals and specializes
in reactor safety and licensing of CANDU power reactors and has
clients throughout the CANDU industry.

A core business is the application of information technologies
in the design and operation of mission and safety critical
systems in order to protect operating staff, the public and the
environment while advancing economic development.

Corporate Plan

Atlantic Nuclear undertakes scientific and engineering support
with technical excellence for advanced technologies and
knowledge based systems. The company seeks business in all
economic sectors requiring technical innovation to achieve
performance goals and to support sustainable development.

Business Areas
- Engineering analysis for reactor physics, thermal hydraulics,
structural design, reliability and safety assessments.

- Signal processing, image enhancement and machine intelligence.

- Remote monitoring , diagnostics and intelligent control

- Software engineering, independent verification, validation and
testing, quality assurance and system integration.

- Environmental science, monitoring systems, socio-economic
impacts and risk assessment.

- Nuclear science including laboratory and measurement services
for the medical, environmental, process and manufacturing

Quality Program
Atlantic Nuclear has a quality assurance program that is
compliant with ISO 9000 standards. A quality improvement plan
is being followed to achieve certification.

Company Details

Year Established: 1983

Total Sales ($CDN): $100,000 - $200,000

Number of Employees: 30

Company Information

Barbara Scott
Title: Manager
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (506) 458-9552
Fax: (506) 451-0525
Email: Click Here

Keith Scott
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (506) 458-9552
Fax: (506) 451-0525

Walter Thompson
Title: Manager
Telephone: (506) 458-9552
Fax: (506) 451-0525

C. Keith Scott
Title: Chairman
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (506) 458-9552
Fax: (506) 451-0525
Email: Click Here


Paw - Plant Analysis Workbench

Atlantic Nuclear develops and markets technologies for working in remote and/or hazardous environments. The company's products and services are directed to remote sensing, monitoring, diagnostics and control.

Software Development
The AVAT CASE Tool automates the verification, validation and testing of real-time software and embedded systems. It is based on tabular methodologies for software development in mission and safety critical applications.



Remote Sensing Data Analysis

Image Analysis
ANS has advanced expertise in using Wavelet Transforms in signal and image processing. Techniques has been developed for denoising and enhancement of images. This provides sharp details of the actual shape and structure of the object and its features which can be used in a variety of industrial applications.

Expert Systems
The Integrated Remote Monitoring and Diagnostic System provides close to real-time support to operators in assessing the validity of plant data, prediction of equipment failure and system diagnostics after fault detection. It incorporates signal processing, statistical, physical and neural network models into an expert system for command and control.

Tla -thin Layer Activation Technology
Thin Layer Activation Technology offers a method for direct on-line measurement of wear to high precision based on activation of a surface layer at the contact point. Sensitivities can reach 1nm/hour allowing the testing of omponents under realistic operating conditions within a reasonable time.

Ans Technologies
ANS Technologies and Israeli Aircraft Industries (IAI) - Malat division are working to establish non-military technologies for commercial application of Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAV). The surveillance and long endurance capabilities, as well as the low cost make the UAV system a safe and cost effective alternative to manned aircraft. - Environmental Monitoring and Control - Nuclear Monitoring - Law Enforcement


Consulting Engineer - Power-thermal Power

Consulting Engineer - Power-nuclear Power Atlantic Nuclear provides a comprehensive range of services in nuclear engineering and science for clients in the nuclear power industry: - Operations Support and Safety and Compliance - Engineering Analysis - System Engineering

Consulting Engineer - Environment-impact Studies Atlantic Nuclear provides analytical and monitoring services to clients for environmental impact assessment and protection. Services are offered in the areas of dispersion modelling, pathway modelling, emergency response planning, health effects and socio-economic impact assessment.

Consulting Engineer - Environment-waste Disposal/Treatment

Consulting Engineer - Environment-pollution Control Analytical and monitoring services to clients for environmental impact assessment and protection. Services are offered in the areas of dispersion modelling, pathway modelling, emergency response planning, health effects, socio-economic impact assessment.

Irmad- The Integrated Remote Monitoring And Diagnostic System The Integrated Remote Monitoring and Diagnostic System provides close to real-time support to operators in assessing the validity of plant data, prediction of equipment failure and system diagnostics after fault detection. It incorporates signal processing, statistical, physical and neural network models into an expert system for command and control.

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-veneer/Plywood/Part. Mill

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-sawmills

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-pulp Mills

Consulting Engineer - Buildings-structural

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-paper Mills Trend Analysis System integrates process control and monitoring to enhance efficiency, maintain production targets and support predictive maintenance programs.

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-hard/Soft Board Mills

Consulting Engineer - Power-systems Planning & Operation

Radiation Measurement Atlantic Nuclear provides nuclear measurement and laboratory services for clients in the nuclear power, nuclear medicine, environmental monitoring and nuclear safety sectors. Analytical and monitoring services are offered in the areas of radioactive waste management, radiation protection, dosimetry and elemental analysis.

Systems Engineering

Quality Assurance Consultant

Environmental Consultant

Licensing Consultant

Computer Software Development Services

Computer System Consultant

Technology Research And Development Services

Training Consultant

Laboratory Design

Electronic Systems Design

Instrumentation Consultant

Mechanical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Hazardous Material Management

Electrical Engineering

Nuclear Engineering Provides a comprehensive range of services for clients in the nuclear power industry: Operations support, safety and compliance, engineering analysis, system engineering.

Technology Transfer Consultant

Vibration Analysis

Maintenance Management

Laboratory Testing Services - Non-medical

Trend Analysis System Integrates process control and monitoring to enhance efficency, maintain production targets and support predictive maintenance programs.