Asoft Networks
Asoft Networks provides complete end to end network administration solutions. Managing complex infrastructure, security, network services, directory services, VPN and remote access. Disaster recovery and backup, help desk services.
Company Details
Year Established:
Total Sales ($CDN):
$1 - $100,000
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Ray Bury
IT Services Administrator
(416) 848-4660
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Brian Mazara
Technical Sales & Support
Area of Responsibility:
Management Executive
(416) 848-4660
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Network Administration
Network Security
Network Security is a broad scope that overlaps both internal and external vulnerabilities from firewall management to password policies, including events that may be non-malicious such as data loss caused by improperly configured and backed up storage locations. Preventative measures can be implemented to drastically reduce the probability of a network or data compromise.
Network Documentation
Let Asoft Networks provide you with the sophisticated and comprehensive documentation required today.
Help Desk
Asoft Networks can provide you with a complete helpdesk solution including remote support and management of workstations & applications.
Server Management & Migrations
Insuring that hardware, firmware and software are up-to-date and running optimally to protect the integrity of your data and server performance is one of the services we provide at Asoft Networks.
Disaster Recovery
Preparing for potential disasters that could impact your Company's ability to sustain normal operation is a Service that Asoft Networks takes pride in offering.
Asoft Networks can help you determine the most appropriate method of providing redundancy, security and piece of mind for your critical data.