Ashini Goupil enr.

Address: 25, rue Chef-Claude-Sioui
Wendake, QC G0A 4V0

Mailling Address: 25, rue Chef-Claude-Sioui
Wendake, QC G0A 4V0

Phone: (418) 842-9797

Fax: (418) 842-5536

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Ashini Goupil enr.

Ashini Goupil is an Innu company directed by Serge Ashini
Goupil, a 30-year-old entrepreneur from Schefferville who has
worked on the North Shore for the past five years. After
studying geography at the University of Sherbrooke, he has
handled mandates for such native organizations as the Atikamekw
Montagnais Council (AMC) and the political group Mamu Pakatatau
Mamit (Mingan, Natashquan, La Romaine and St-Augustin) as well
as for the band counsels of Matimekush Lac-John (Schefferville)
and Innu Takuaikan Uashat mak Mani-Utenam (Sept-les).

His extensive knowledge of native and non-native cultures gives
him a comprehensive grasp of the broad political, social,
cultural and economic issues of concern to both native Nations
and non-native communities in Qubec and Canada.

Company Details

Year Established: 1998

Number of Employees: 3

Company Information

Serge Ashini Goupil
Title: President
Telephone: (418) 962-3834
Email: Click Here


Cartes Thmatiques Autochtones


Gis And Environment Ashini Goupil carries out a number of mandates in areas of natural resources and the environment. Our core expertise covers natural resource protection, enhancement, promotion, planning, negotiation, development and management. The company also offers fast and easy geomatics services. With Softmap and MapInfo, we can meet all our customers cartography and database management needs.Communications publiques et relations gouvernementales.

Affaires Publiques Et Autochtones Through its knowledge of the Innu community and of the key players involved with native groups, Ashini Goupil is in a position to draw up and follow through on effective communications plans. The company provides public relations services and can facilitate contacts with different levels of government, on the local, national and international level.

Project Management In collaboration with professionals in other sectors, Ashini Goupil can carry out mandates based on the specific needs of its clientele, in majority native. The company intends to expand its services into government, institutional and private sectors.

Tudes Sociales, Historiques Et Archologiques Dans le cadre de projets dtudes dimpact, doccupation territoriale ou de mise en valeur historique, Ashini Goupil est en mesure dlaborer des plans dintervention stratgique, et de mener des recherches documentaires gnrales ou archivistiques spcifiques. Nous laborons aussi des canevas dentrevue, et en effectuons le traitement et lanalyse des donnes qui en dcoulent. Dans le domaine de larchologie, nous pouvons intervenir dans le cas dtudes de potentiel, dinventaires et de fouilles archologiques. Lorsque les travaux se font en rgion, nous prconisons lajout dun personnel qualifi supplmentaire issu des communauts impliques

Sensibilisation Interculturelle Ashini Goupil offre ses services auprs des coles et organismes publics et privs afin de sensibiliser la population aux ralits historiques et culturelles de la nation innue et dautres Premires Nations du Qubec. Nos prsentations multimdias sadaptent aux besoins de notre clientle de par leur contenu et leur porte.