Applied Intelligence Atelier

Address: 99-16E St.
Roxboro, QC H8Y 1P1

Mailling Address: 99-16E St.
Roxboro, QC H8Y 1P1

Phone: (514) 684-9574

Fax: (514) 684-2649

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Applied Intelligence Atelier

Services, training and software in Knowledge Management and Human Capital Development

Company Details

Company Information

Joel Muzard
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: (514) 684-9574
Email: Click Here


Ideaprocessor Software


Knowledge Management Training And Coaching Personalized Knowledge Management Training and Coaching for managers and professionals. Training can be delivered online or at the company location. The goal of the training is to develop the competencies needed as a Knowledge Manager. See more info at the following URL:

Iworkshop iWorkshop is a Knowledge Management Methodology. It is design to facilitate the task of Knowledge Management, to acquire, formalize, conceptualize, share and develop the strategic knowledge of the organization