Apple Express Courier Limited

Address: 5-5055 Satellite Dr
Mississauga, ON L4W 5K7

Mailling Address: 5-5055 Satellite Dr
Mississauga, ON L4W 5K7

Toll Free: (888) 641-2142

Fax: (905) 602-9335

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Apple Express Courier Limited

Express critical delivery and logistics. Local rush delivery from over 50 Canadian service centres.
Over 40 storage locations offering pick pack and distribution services to the medical,aerospace and IT sectors.
Next Flight Out International and Domestic door to door delivery. Customized transportation.
SmartCourier, technically trained couriers that may install/de-install a variety of devices.
Reverse logistics including RMA programs and disposal services.

Company Details

Company Information

Steve Ley
Title: BD
Telephone: (888) 641-2142
Fax: (905) 602-9335
Email: Click Here


Express Logistics

Courier Logistics