Amenaza Technologies Limited

Address: 550 - 1000 - 8th Ave. S.W.
Calgary, AB T2P 3M7

Mailling Address: 550 - 1000 - 8th Ave. S.W.
Calgary, AB T2P 3M7

Phone: (403) 263-7737

Toll Free: (888) 949-9797

Fax: (403) 278-8437

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Amenaza Technologies Limited

Amenaza Technologies is a privately held Canadian company. Incorporated in 2001, Amenaza Technologies Limited has developed the worlds most advanced Attack Tree based risk assessment tool, SecurITree. When used with Amenaza's methodology and attack tree libraries, SecurITree allows enterprises to discover which weaknesses are most likely to be exploited by attackers. SecurITree is the solution used by Fortune 1000 companies, infrastructure providers and government agencies that have security concerns but finite resources. SecurITree provides the results needed to justify security choices to the CEO, the CFO and security practitioners. The product is equally applicable to information technology and physical security.

Company Details

Company Information

Terrance Ingoldsby
Title: President
Telephone: (403) 263-7737
Fax: (403) 278-8437
Email: Click Here


