Altech Environmental Consulting Ltd.

Address: 12 Banigan Dr
East York, ON M4H 1E9

Mailling Address: 12 Banigan Dr
East York, ON M4H 1E9

Phone: (416) 467-5555

Toll Free: 1(800) 323-4937

Fax: (416) 467-9824

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Altech Environmental Consulting Ltd.

ALTECH is a full service environmental ,energy and health and safety engineering & science consulting firm concentrating on environmental solutions for industry.
With our focus on environmental and energy
auditing, technical analysis and troubleshooting, and
environmental engineering, we pride ourselves on providing practical, business oriented solutions that improve productivity.

Company Details

Year Established: 1986

Total Sales ($CDN): $200,000 - $500,000

Number of Employees: 16

Company Information

Brian Bobbie
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (416) 467-5555
Fax: (416) 467-9824
Email: Click Here

Alex Keen
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (416) 467-5555
Fax: (416) 467-9824
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Conduct An Environmental Audit And/Or Implement An Environmental Management System (ems).
ALTECH is known internationally for environmental auditing and implementing environmental management systems. ALTECH participated in the development of the ISO standards, making significant contributions. We have Certified Environmental Auditors (CEA) on staff, as accredited by the Standards Council of Canada. ALTECH has performed in excess of 400 audits in industry sectors such as food and beverage, printing and newspaper, pulp and paper, petroleum and petrochemicals, metals and metal finishing, automotive, steel production, waste management industry, pharmaceuticals, paints and coatings, electrical utilities, mining and coal operations, plastics, and numerous general manufacturing operations. ALTECH also provides the development and implementation of environmental management systems tailored to the activities and culture of the organization. Where a company requests, the EMS can be compatible with ISO 14000 when certification is important. With regard to process optimization, a comprehensive audit is a valuable way of evaluating the performance and cost of the management control system. Recommendations focus on cost reductions as well as compliance to environmental regulations. This can include: water characterization and audit; waste management and minimization; energy audit.

Conduct A Subsurface Assessment Of Groundwater And Soil Contamination And Assess Cost Effective Remediation Options.
With ALTECH's scientific expertise and protocol sampling methods, ALTECH has conducted a large number of contaminant migration studies and decommissioning projects. Contaminant migration and tracking may take a number of different routes. The most effective is determined by type of contamination and location in the soil horizon. Delineation of contamination is completed by ALTECH professionals in all of the following four area of a soil horizon: soil testing into the unsaturated zone; and delineation of soil contaminant characteristics and extent; contaminant presence in the capillary zone directly above the water table; migration of LNAPL liquids; contaminant presence and movement on the water table, or saturated zone; presence of LNAPL liquids, and delineation of extent, characteristics, groundwater speed, depth, and direction of flow; contaminant presence and movement in a groundwater strait; DNAPL presence and characterization at base aquacludes and their delineation, speed, and direction of saturated zone water flow. Decommissioning of a site includes the most effective remediation techniques to meet the most cost effective schedule. Remediation options available for contaminated site clean up include: bioremediation; the process of contaminant destruction by naturally enhanced microorganism activity; soil washing; an ALTECH innovation which releases the contamination from the soil to be treated in a water phase - this physically and chemically separates the chemical contaminant from the soil; groundwater investigations and remediation; the identification and clean up of contaminated groundwater - groundwater remediation strategies which are sight specific, ie. carbon filtering. Insitu remediation techniques can often be the most cost effective approach for remediation. ALTECH owns and operates insitu remediation equipment such as pump-and-treat as well as vapour extraction systems.


Environmental Consultant - Energy From Waste Plants

Consulting - ground water investigations - subsurface contaminant migration investigations - drinking water well construction and development - designed, constructed, installed and operated soil vapour extraction treatment units, ground water pump and treat units, ground water well construction. - up to 40 units available - ambient air monitoring - fugitive emission sampling - stack testing and analysis - ambient air and emission modelling - pulp and paper and recycling mills air, water, waste, spills management systems (EMS), auditing, pollution prevention, recycling systems, decommissioning and cleanup options provided - waste water treatment, design and project management - industrial waste water treatment systems - pollution prevention systems provided - occupational health and safety assessments - monitoring and testing - chemical toxicology - commercial building assessments - HVAC assessments, optimization and design - industrial manufacturing plant design for efficiency and cost savings - preventive maintenance and facility control systems - material movement and storage specialists - industrial and commercial building maintenance specialists - environmental management system (EMS) and compliance audits to host country regulations - perform waste water and waste management audits - Certified Environmental Auditor (CEA) accredited to ISO14000 - perform ISO14000 auditing to 14011 standards - water sampling and analysis - drinking water sampling and analysis - air sampling and analysis, sewer sampling and analysis - solid and hazardous waste sampling and analysis. Sampling equipment includes composite samplers, flow measurement, air sampling pumps, PID samplers, all ground water samplers and instrumentation - direct 1997 and 1998 experience with regulations from USA (25 states), Venezuela, Mexico, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chili, India, Argentina - Environmental audit training - training to ISO14000 standard - Environmental management system (EMS) training - Occupational Health and Safety training emergencies training - complete waste characterization including solid, hazardous, liquid and recyclable - small city and rural collection and treatment systems - industrial wastewater characterization - pollution prevention strategies - water recycling technologies - industrial wastewater treatment design - pulp and paper, food, dairy, cheese, metal finishing, metal plating, photographic industries - contingence and emergency planning development, training, and manuals - soil and ground water monitoring - contaminant plume tracking - cleanup technologies applied (soil) - stack testing - combustion analysis - pollution abatement design and construction - wet scrubber systems - incineration systems - food, dairy, cheese, flavour, drinks, beer, wine spirits - industrial water management - pollution prevention systems design and install - wastewater treatment systems design and install - mining effluent tailings treated - soil bioremediation systems - thermal desorption systems - soil washing systems - solvent soil washing - design and organization for safe storage and handling - Phase I, II, III & IV Environmental Site Assessments - equipment evaluation, design and optimization - full range of analytical services - Bench scale and pilot testing of environmental technology options also performed - environmental research performed on technology or treatment options including conceptual design and bench scale or piled testing - environmental risk assessment ie ground water, emergency, air emission, water or waste release - Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 Environmental Site Assessments - cost effective waste disposal options evaluated - waste disposal and/or recycling technologies designed constructed and installed - potable water quality evaluated - pumping design and treatment options provided - municipal solid waste collection and disposal systems - hazardous waste chemical analysis and characterization - hazardous waste treatment options designed - hazardous waste technology implemented - design, and installation of biomedical waste treatment facility using autoclave technology - acid mine drainage treatment - tailings revegetation - waste recycling and reduction characterization studies and options provided - recycling and reduction options provided for most industrial sectors - asbestos identification and assessment - asbestos management plans - asbestos abatement programs - soil remediation through thermal desorption, bioremediation, soil washing, solvent soil washing - building and site decommissioning and cleanup - full scale decommissioning and cleanup program project management - air quality monitoring programs - air dispersion modelling programs - employee noise exposure assessments - community noise assessments - peak and frequency analysis - noise audits - design and installation of noise abatement controls - chemical and petrochemical for air, water, waste, spills, management systems (AMS) auditing, pollution prevention, recycling and decommissioning/cleanup options provided - metal finishing and plating for air, water, waste, spills, management systems (EMS)auditing, pollution prevention, recycling and decommissioning/cleanup options provided - petroleum and coal industry for air, water, waste, spills, management systems (EMS), auditing, pollution prevention system recycling, and decommissioning/cleanup options provided - water and solvent soil washing technologies offered - RO membrane products and services - energy from waste plant optimization and evaluation - ash management strategies - electrical utility air, water, waste, spills, management systems (EMS), auditing, pollution prevention, recycling systems, decommissioning and cleanup options and ash management options provided - evaluation, optimization, design and installation of chemical/ physical waste treatment plants - energy from waste plant optimization and evaluation - ash management strategies solvent soil washing

Environmental Consultant - Consulting

Environmental Consultant - Engineering Design/Specifications

Environmental Consultant - Environmental Audits

Environmental Consultant - Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental Consultant - Equipment Or Instrument Development

Environmental Consultant - Facility/Equipment Operation

Environmental Consultant - Field Sampling And Monitoring

Environmental Consultant - Laboratory Testing And Analysis

Environmental Consultant - Regulations And Standards Consulting

Environmental Consultant - Research

Environmental Consultant - Risk Assessment

Environmental Consultant - Site Assessment

Environmental Consultant - Training And Education

Environmental Consultant - Waste Transport And Disposal

Environmental Consultant - Waste Treatment

Environmental Consultant - Environmental Services-other

Environmental Consultant - Potable Water Supply,Treatment,Distribution

Environmental Consultant - Hydrogeology

Environmental Consultant - Municipal Solid Waste

Environmental Consultant - Sewage Collection And Treatment

Environmental Consultant - Hazardous Waste-chemical

Environmental Consultant - Hazardous Waste-biochemical

Environmental Consultant - Industrial Wastewater/Sludge

Environmental Consultant - Mine Tailings

Environmental Consultant - Contingency Planning For Spills

Environmental Consultant - Waste Reduction And Recycling

Environmental Consultant - Asbestos

Environmental Consultant - Site/Land Reclamations

Environmental Consultant - Soil And Groundwater

Environmental Consultant - Stormwater Runoff

Environmental Consultant - Water Quality

Environmental Consultant - Air Quality-outdoor Air

Environmental Consultant - Air Quality-air Dispersion Modelling

Environmental Consultant - Air Quality-indoor Air

Environmental Consultant - Air Quality-automobile Emissions

Environmental Consultant - Air Quality-smokestack Emissions

Environmental Consultant - Noise And Vibration

Environmental Consultant - Industry-chemicals

Environmental Consultant - Industry-food And Beverage

Environmental Consultant - Industry-metal Products

Environmental Consultant - Industry-mining And Metallurgy

Environmental Consultant - Industry-petroleum And Coal Products

Environmental Consultant - Industry-pulp And Paper

Environmental Consultant - Industry-rubber And Plastics

Environmental Consultant - Waste Handling-soil Washing

Environmental Consultant - Waste Handling-bioremediation

Environmental Consultant - Water Purification Plants

Environmental Consultant - Recycling Plant-biomass

Environmental Consultant - Emergency Response And Spills Cleanup

Environmental Consultant - Plant Retrofits(design)

Environmental Consultant - Energy From Waste

Environmental Consultant - Radon Gas

Environmental Consultant - Industry-electric Utilities

Environmental Consultant - Chemical/Physical Waste Treatment Plants

Environmental Consultant - Transfer Stations Or Waste Depots

Environmental Consultant - Recycling Plant-tires/Rubber