Allendale Electronics Limited
Allendale Electronics offers prototype and production of printed
circuit assemblies, specializing in smt and mixed-technology, for
quantities from one board to a few thousand.
Our skilled staff takes pride in producing high quality work in
through hole, surface mount or mixed boards, with hand, wave or
reflow soldering. Every board assembled is inspected and can be
tested to your specifications if required.
Allendale Electronics offers the personal service and flexibility
of a small company, for fast delivery and immediate attention to
design changes.
With over thirty years in the electronic assembly business,
Allendale Electronics has the experience to assemble prototype or
production circuit boards in surface mount, through hole or
mixed technologies.
We started surface mount assembly in 1990.
We now have automatic, semi-automatic and manual pick-and-place
equipment for assembling quantities from single prototypes to
several thousand boards.
Our customers range from Government, public utilities and large
manufacturers to one-man design companies. Most are in Atlantic
Canada, but we are also exporting to North Eastern U.S.A.
In addition to circuit boards, we assemble a variety of custom
We are implementing a quality system with ISO9000 registration as
our goal.
Company Details
Year Established:
Total Sales ($CDN):
$100,000 - $200,000
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Cyril Meagher
Area of Responsibility:
Management Executive
(902) 656-2652
(902) 656-2158
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Circuit Board Assembly
Electronic Equipment
Cable, Coaxial Assemblies
Printed Circuit Board Assembly
Printed circuit board assembly: surface mount, through hole, and
- hand assembly
- wave solder
- single, double, multi-layer boards
We assemble small and medium quantities from prototypes (one or
two units) to several thousands.
Cable Assembly
Assembly of custom cables.