Allbyte Technology Consulting Inc.

Address: 513-938 Howe St
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9

Mailling Address: P.O Box 21135
RPO Ridge Square
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 1P7

Phone: (604) 467-0166

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Allbyte Technology Consulting Inc.

Allbyte Technology Consulting Inc. provides business analysis and process consulting services to businesses and organizations.
Business Analyst Services on Demand:

* Targeted Outsourcing Services
* Contracts and Sub-contracts
* Services available for periods from one day to several months
* Bilingual capacity: English and Spanish

Business Process Areas of Expertise:
* Healthcare
We provide end-to-end business analysis services and functions that enable healthcare institutions and related organizations to maximize the potential of their information systems to achieve their financial and clinical objectives.
* Logistics
Supply chain modernization assistance to maximize the efficiency of international trade.
* E-learning
* Requirements analysis for design and launch of E-learning solutions in support of implementation of automated electronic health record systems. Customization of E-learning courses to effectively implement logistic of supply chain software solutions company wide.

Assistance in achieving higher performance levels while lowering costs.

Company Details

Company Information

Maria De Mendiburu
Title: President
Telephone: (604) 467-0166
Email: Click Here


Business Analyst Services: Healthcare & Logistics