Agriculture & Biotechnology Strategies (Canada) Inc.

Address: 106 St. John St.
Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0

Mailling Address: P.O. Box 475
Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0

Phone: (613) 269-7966

Fax: (613) 269-4367

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



AGBIOS is a Canadian company dedicated to providing public
policy, regulatory, and risk assessment expertise for products
of biotechnology. AGBIOS has worked with federal departments
and agencies on issues of policy and regulation pertaining to
genetically modified and other novel foods, crops, and forest
tree species. The Company also provides experience and
expertise to commercial enterprises seeking regulatory approval
of biotechnology products, and to other public and private
sector groups seeking clarification of issues associated with
the development and utilization of biotechnology processes and

In the area of regulatory and biosafety capacity building,
AGBIOS has developed training programs for the environmental
and food safety risk assessment of genetically modified crops.
These have been used by third parties as well as for the
Company's own use in delivering training workshops in Africa,
Latin America, and Southeast Asia. AGBIOS personnel have led or
participated in capacity building projects in Argentina, Chile,
Estonia, Hungary, Indonesia, Korea, Mauritius, the Czech
Republic, the Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, and Ukraine.


Public Policy: AGBIOS has the regulatory and scientific
expertise critical for the development and analysis of
biotechnology related public policy, particularly in the areas
of environmental, livestock feed and food safety.

Capacity Building: AGBIOS is a leader in the development and
implementation of regulatory regimes for the products of
biotechnology. The Company has designed and delivered training
programs for environmental and food safety assessment of GM
crops to scientists and regulators internationally.

Knowledge Building: AGBIOS has proven skills in developing
training materials, risk assessment guidelines, and compliance
management and stewardship programs for GM crops and foods on
behalf of government regulatory agencies, non-governmental
organizations, and industry.

Regulatory Submissions: AGBIOS personnel have extensive
knowledge of international biotechnology regulations. The
Company can provide a comprehensive scientific appraisal of
submissions for environmental, livestock feed and food safety
assessment to ensure that they meet regulatory requirements, or
can prepare submissions on behalf of clients.

Issues Management and Analysis: AGBIOS can provide in-depth
scientific analyses of issues related to agricultural
biotechnology, environmental risk assessment and food safety.

Company Details

Year Established: 1999

Company Information

Morven Mclean
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 269-7966
Fax: (613) 269-4367
Email: Click Here

Donald Mackenzie
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 269-7966
Fax: (613) 269-4367
Email: Click Here



Training Develops and implements training programs for scientific and regulatory professionals in the areas of safety and risk assessment.