Atomic Energy of Canada Limited

Address: 2251 Speakman Dr.
Mississauga, ON L5K 1B2

Mailling Address: 2251 Speakman Dr.
Mississauga, ON L5K 1B2

Phone: (905) 823-9040

Toll Free: (800) 364-6989

Fax: (905) 823-1290

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) is a Crown corporation
owned by the federal government of Canada.

AECLs power reactor products are the CANDU 6 (700 MWe class)
and the CANDU 9 (900 MWe class). CANDU power reactors have been proven on four continentswith more than 30 years of safe,
clean, reliable, and economical electricity production.

AECLs current projects are two 700 MWe class CANDU 6 reactors
at the Qinshan site in China, and the second CANDU 6 unit at the
Cernavoda site in Romania

AECL also offers MAPLE research reactors, MACSTOR above-ground spent fuel storage facilities, and provides engineering and
consulting services.

designer / manufacturer / engineering consultant / maintenance
services / exporter re CANDU nuclear power reactors

Company Details

Year Established: 1952

Total Sales ($CDN): $50,000,000 +

Number of Employees: 3500

Company Information

Robert Van Adel
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-1290

David Torgerson
Title: Senior Vice-President Technology
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-1290

Michael Robins
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-1290

Michael Taylor
Title: Vice President
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-1290

Allan Hawryluk
Title: General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-1290

Beth Medhurst
Title: Vice President
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-1290

Heather Smith
Title: Manager, Marketing Services
Telephone: (905) 823-9040
Fax: (905) 823-7565
Email: Click Here


Macstor Spent Fuel Storage

Maple Research Reactor
MAPLE is a low-pressure, low-temperature, open-tank-in-pool type research reactor that uses low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel. It can be designed for power levels between 10 and 40 MWt.

Candu Engineering Products & Services
AECL provides maintenance, new technologies, and engineering and consulting services to support CANDU and other utility customers. AECL offers: architect engineering services; design, engineering and analysis tools; advanced technologies; field services; fuel channel services; spare parts provisioning; equipment supply; fluid sealing technology; steam generator/balance of plant services; safety analysis and licensing support; computer systems for control, display and reactor protection; specialized facilities; decommissioning; and waste management expertise.

Candu Nuclear Power Reactors
CANDU 700 & 900 MWe class heavy water power reactors offer a combination of proveness and superior state-of-the-art design. CANDU is the only reactor that can generate electricity and refuel while running at full power. The benefits: less downtime and maintenance schedules that are easier to plan.

Candu Nuclear Reactors
Design, sales, construction, of CANDU nuclear reactors. Research & development, servicing needs of nuclear power industry worldwide.


Nuclear Products & Services CANDU Nuclear Power Reactor - Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) or CANDU 6, Research & Development; Waste Management & Decommissioning; Emergency Preparedness; Corrosion Testing; Metallurgy; Isotopesp Refurbishment; Remote Tooling