Moorehead Management Resources Inc.

Address: 1560 Carrington Rd
Mississauga, ON L5M 2K1

Mailling Address: 1560 Carrington Rd
Mississauga, ON L5M 2K1

Phone: (905) 812-8282

Toll Free: 1(800) 492-8924

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



Company Details

Company Information

Thomas Moorehead
Title: President
Telephone: (905) 812-8282
Email: Click Here


Interim Management/Executive

Technology Infrastructure Review/Update Review technology infrastructure used to support business, department, make recommendations, design/propose update solutions and implement. Typically this involves computer resources, networks, data acquisition, telecom links both terrestrial and satellite.

Internet Business/Services Solutions Complete business operations solutions from assessment of requirements, solution proposal, Website design, back-office/ database integration,implementation and management. Usually e- business, e-commerce, new ways to deliver services to clients and achieve mandate more efficiently and effectively by using the Internet.

Management Consulting Management advice, proposals; process review/performance enhancement; change management; Internet application support; strategic planning; development of business plans; experienced executive services.